Posted by Eileen Sturner on Thursday, August 3, 2017
We currently have 659 members in the Webb Surname DNA Project.
Since 7/05/2017:
12 new members
2 new member test results [Y-DNA]
1 expected new member test results [Y-DNA]
0 test results not scheduled [new Y-DNA member, test not yet received by FTDNA]
6 new upgrade requests [total]:
Kit #B31428 - SNP Pack
Kit #197703 - SNPs
Kit #35901 - Family Finder
Kit #403751 - SNPs - Y-DNA111
Kit #656001 - SNP Pack
Kit #130546 - mtFullSeq - Y-DNA111
FTDNA posted the scheduled test result date for the following kits [due by date]:
Lab Results Not Received [as of 8/02/17]:
#53390 Family Finder 08/21/17 - 09/04/17
#130546 mtFullSeq 09/18//17 - 10/02/17
#130546 Y-DNA111 09/11/17 - 09/25/17
#197703 SNP 08/21/17 - 09/04/17
#300339 Y-DNA111 09/04/17 - 09/18/17
#403751 Y-DNA111 08/29/17 - 09/12/17
#656001 SNP 08/30/17 - 09/13/17**
#706626 mtFullSeq, SNP 08/23/17 - 09/06/17
#729764 FF 08/21/17 - 09/04/17
#B31428 SNP 08/21/17 - 09/04/17
#B49308 Big Y 08/16/17 - 08/30/17 **
** kits marked with ** have been delayed and due date has been updated.
Scholarship Fund:
New Members [as of 7/05/17]:
Kit #B98149 - Y-DNA111 - FF - mtFullSeq - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #709666 - Y-DNA111 - FF - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #B210848 - FF - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #N97989 - mtDNA - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #B110503 - FF - descendant of John H. Webb m. Self of TN.
Kit #B199129 - FF - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #53390 - mtDNA - maternal Webb line - Waccamaw community.
Kit #B214934 - FF - lineage not provided to date.
Kit #B216861 - FF - female descendant of Giles Webb b. 1623 Gloucestershire, England.
Kit #B216350 - FF - female descendant of John Craig Webb b. 1824 Giles Co. VA.
Kit #B127559 - FF - female descendant of Webbs of Kent, England.
Kit #B219497 - FF - maternal descendant of Merry Webb b. 1786 Henry Co. VA.
New Results [Y-DNA] [as of 7/05/17]:
Kit #B98149 - YDNA111 - match to John Webb 1740 Scott Co. VA DNA Group.
Kit #709666 - Y-DNA111 - match to Julius Webb DNA Group.
Kit #B98149 - YDNA111 - match to John Webb 1740 Scott Co. VA DNA Group.
Kit #709666 - Y-DNA111 - match to Julius Webb DNA Group.