We currently have 391 members in the Webb Surname DNA Project and 379 kits have been received by FTDNA.

Since 7/15/2013:

11 new members

7 new member test results

9 new test upgrade results

6 expected new member test results

6 test results not scheduled [new member, test not yet received by FTDNA]

4 new upgrades requests [total]:

# 283762, Y-DNA67 upgrade
# 259526, Y-DNA111 upgrade
# 290680, Family Finder
# N111627, Family Finder

FTDNA posted the scheduled test result date for the following kits:

Lab Results Not Received [as of 8/15/13]:

#301689 Y-DNA37     10/11/13

#298872 Y-DNA37 10/11/13

#298725 Y-DNA37 9/27/13

#298247 Y-DNA37 9/20/13

#296734 Y-DNA37 10/4/13

#283762 Y-DNA67 upgrade 9/11/13

#282264 Backbone 9/11/13

#259526 Y-DNA111 upgrade 9/11/13

#235014 Y-DNA37 9/11/13

#24625 Family Finder 8/19/13

#20353 mtFullSeq 8/26/13

Scholarship Fund:


New Members [as of 7/15/13]:

Kit #N21546 - mtDNA - maternal descendant of Redding Webb b. 1785 of Johnston Co. NC 

Kit #282041- Y-DNA12 - descendant of Christopher Webb b. 1599 of Braintree, MA. 

Kit #N44178 - Y-DNA111 - lineage not provided to date.

Kit #300325 -  Family Finder - descendant of George Franklin Webb b. 1818 of Amite Co. MS.

Kit #300339 - Family Finder - descendant of George Franklin Webb b. 1818 of Amite Co. MS.

Kit #300331 - Family Finder - descendant of George Franklin Webb b. 1818 of Amite Co. MS.

Kit #217186 - Y-DNA67 - FF - descendant of John Webb b. 1769 of Towcester, Northamptonshire, England.

Kit #301689 - Y-DNA37 - lineage to come.

Kit #298768 - Y-DNA37 - descendant of William Webb b. c1806 Churchill, Oxfordshire, England. 

Kit #286559 - Family Finder - descendant of William Webb b. 1763 Boston, MA,d. 1822 Bath, ME.

Kit #303981 - Y-DNA37 - descendant of Benjamin Franklin Webb b. c1828 of Hamilton Co. TN.

New Result[as of 7/15/13]:

Kit #282041 - Y-DNA12 - match to Christopher Webb Braintree, MA DNA Group.

Kit #N44178 - Y-DNA111 - match to John Webb 1705 VA DNA Group.

Kit #293996 - Y-DNA37 - ungrouped - not represented in project to date.

Kit #290680 - Y-DNA37 - ungrouped - not represented in project to date.

Kit #282264 - Y-DNA37 - match to John Webb Henrico Co. VA DNA Group.

Kit #285396 - Y-DNA37 - ungrouped - not represented in project to date.

Kit #290126 - Y-DNA37 - ungrouped - not represented in project to date.

Kit #217186 - Y-DNA67 - match to Daniel Webb b. c1652 Salem MA DNA Group.